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Student Behind the Books
My (brutally honest) bio...

Let me tell you a little about myself. 


I am a parent, a step-parent and (formerly) a foster parent. My child has A.D.H.D and struggled in reading. She was in Special Education until second grade. And now is in her 4th or 5th college and still yet to get a degree (she's just like her mom!).


I am the continual student. I have been in school for most of my life. I have had a job since I was 16. I was one of those students that despised middle and high school. I was bored. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't overly intelligent bored, I was the "I don't get this so I will just fly under the radar" bored. I had weak social skills. I lacked confidence and self-esteem. 


After I graduated from high school I went to three different community colleges. Still not enjoying school...


First, I thought I wanted to be a chef. I liked eating--I mean, who doesn't right! It was fun for awhile and then I got into a accident with my car and it scared me. I didn't want to make the drive anymore. So that career choice bit the dust.


Then I thought I wanted to be an accountant and work with numbers. Once I saw how many hours my mom worked (even though she was not an accountant), I decided that wasn't for me. I did get my AA in accounting however.


At 25 I had a family (late bloomer at everything) and moved out of state. It was a great 14 years of snow, camping, mountains, fishing and "big sky country!" This is when I found my calling--teaching. A bachelor's in education with a minor as a reading specialist. (I never wanted to teach reading--phonics? really! Ug!)


Then one of my best friends at the time (and my hairdresser) moved to Arizona. If anyone knows me, they know my frizzball hair and where a good hairdresser goes, I must follow!


My other friend (a non-hairdresser one) encouraged me to get my masters with her. So we did. While working with students full-time who speak another language I don't know, and now being a single mom, I decided to get my masters.


Now most people don't really understand that I am an introvert. Going to a college in an age where you work in teams, wow, this was hard! My team did NOT include my friend I was taking the classes with, but with 4 other complete strangers that I felt  had way more knowledge that I did! So now I was the introvert with the least amount of knowledge! Uncomfortable!


Well, I worked very hard and learned A LOT and was very successful in my studies. Now, I have another degree--this time in administration!


Since then, I have continued to be a teacher for grades Kindergarten, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, AND a literacy coach--yes, I am a great reading teacher now.


I have been an academic coach (teaching other teachers), a reading interventionist, a math interventionist, and more. I have given more Professional Development sessions that I can remember--and loved almost all of them!


My "WHY" word is "commitment." I am truly dedicated to helping EVERY student being successful. This means helping every teacher that I can, to have the tools they need to help their students. This means helping parents to have what they need to support their student (food, housing, a pencil, some scissors, a tutor, etc.). And, this means helping every student that comes across my path, to get what they need (even if it's just a hug!).





0 - 9

10 - 19


and older...


...and more

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